Using Resources in Discovery Ed.

Using Resources
  1. This is what a resource will look like when you are in it.


  1. At the top is where you will see your resource. In this case a movie. You can click on it to play it.


  1. In the next section you can put this resource in your content for easy retrieval. I wouldn’t assign it as Schoology is still the best place to assign work.

    1. QuickList” Adds resource to a list you can quickly access
    2. “My Content” places the resource in a class folder for easy finding.

    3. Download” Allows you to download the resource onto your computer to be used offline


  1. Next is a section with and info and Citation tab. Info gives a general description of the resource and the citation tab allows you to cite the source in various formats.

  1. The last three sections, two at the bottom and one on the right, provide more resources you might be interested in.